AFT Colorado • AAUP

A voice at work for all coloradans.

The Collective Bargaining by County, Public University, and College Employees bill is a historic opportunity to support thousands of public workers across Colorado who lack basic rights already enjoyed by their private sector peers.

Collective Bargaining by County, Public University, and College Employees

The Collective Bargaining for County and Higher Education Employees bill will give tens of thousands of county and higher education public service workers the freedom to choose whether they want to form a recognized union, instead of letting politicians choose for them.

Public service workers who make the choice to form a union will have a seat at the table to collectively bargain on important issues like working conditions, job safety, pay and benefits — and collaborate with management to address shared challenges like staff shortages, retention issues, and improving public services. The bill would also extend protections to workers who are currently vulnerable to retaliation, discrimination, and coercion for exercising basic union rights.

Our leaders need to take immediate action to stabilize our vital public service and education workforces in Colorado.

    Public sector workers

    Higher-Ed Workers

    historic opportunity

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    925 S. Niagara Street, Suite 600
    Denver, CO 80224-1681